Mr. Weidt Nuchjalearn | Micro Leasing
Mr. Weidt Nuchjalearn

Mr. Weidt Nuchjalearn

  • Independent Director
  • Vice Chairman
  • Member of Audit Committee
  • Chairman of the Risk Management Committee


  • Master of Commerce and Accounting, Thammasat University
  • Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics), Kasetsart University


  • 2017 - Security Management and Leadership for Executives Program (SML) Class 9/2017, National Defence College
  • 2015 - Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Class SEC/2015
  • 2014 - Top Executives Program, Class 18/2014 Capital Market Academy
  • 2013 - The Role of the Chairman Program (RCP) Class 31/2013
  • 2010 - Top Executive Program in Commerce and Trade (TEPCOT), Class 3/2010
  • 2006 - Financial Executive Development Program, Class 14/2006, The Thai Institute of Bangkok and Finance Association (FINEX)
  • 2006 - Commercial Credit Skills Assessment , Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University


Position in other listed Company:

  • 2020 - Present Independent Director, Vice Chairman, Chairman the Risk Management Committee and Member of Audit Committee, Micro Leasing Public Company Limited
  • 2020 - Present Executive Director, Union Auction Public Company Limited
  • 2018 - Present Independent Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Nomination Committee, WHAUP & Power Public Company Limited
  • 2017 - Present Chairman, Siamrajathanee Public Company Limited
  • 2017 - Present Independent Director, Chairman and Member of Audit Committee, Siam Technical Concrete Public Company Limited
  • 2017 - Present Consultant, Dhipaya Insurance Public Company Limited
  • 2014 - Present Chairman of the Audit Committee, Thaifood Group Public Company Limited

Position in Non-Listed Company:

  • 2022 - Present Director, Insurverse Public Company Limited
  • 2022 - Present Director, TIP ISB Company Limited
  • 2022 - Present Director, Bewealth Consultant Company Limited
  • 2022 - Present Chairman, Wellness Product Development Center Company Limited
  • 2020 - Present Expert, Financial Advisory Center (TCG . F.A. Center)
  • 2018 - Present Chairman, Hinsitsu (Thailand) Company Limited
  • 2017 - Present Chairman, Thaitechnoglass Group Company Limited