Message from the Founder

Mr.Thammasak Auchyawat
- Founder
In 2022, Micro Leasing Public Company Limited continued to face challenges from many dimensions the entire changes from the economic dimension, both inside and outside the country, higher inflation, household debt has reached record highs, including global economic impacts due to conflicts between great powers. The social dimensions impacted by emerging epidemics and epidemic threats, as well as the environmental dimensions, particularly the risks associated with significant climate change, are inextricably linked to the Micro Leasing business situation.
It is an important step in upgrading Micro Leasing’s ecosystem business model in 2022 by conducting business operations to cover all target groups, including Micro Plus Leasing Co., Ltd. (MPLUS), a motorcycle leasing loan service provider, Micro Insure Brokers Co., Ltd. (MIB), operates non-life insurance brokerage and life insurance brokerage businesses that design products related to leasing customers for both used trucks and motorcycles, while includes Micro Fin Co., Ltd. (MFIN) also aims to provide personal loans under the supervision of loans with and without registered transfer to customers in order to help them increase their financial liquidity, expand their businesses, cover emergency expenses, or pay off other financial burdens.
Micro Leasing Public Company Limited aspires to be a long-term growth organization. We are priority to conducting business with social responsibility. Build good relationships Build trust with stakeholders’ emphasis on corporate governance to be transparent, have audit mechanisms, counterbalance risk management. We continue to expand our branches to cover all regions of the country, along with the development of employees and information technology systems, so that the Company can provide credit services to customers with prudence and caution. For future sustainable growth.
I appreciate the support from all sectors and am also convinced that dedication and cooperation drive business operations with accountability to stakeholders, consideration for the environment, and being socially responsible, as well as managing in accordance with corporate governance principles, is an important factor that demonstrates the ability to create business opportunities and cope with the world’s changing tides. To strengthen and sustain the Micro Leasing Business Group.